Train climbs onto platform at Mathura due to drunk helper

LUCKNOW: An internal investigation into the accident found that a drunk helper had left his bag on the throttle of the engine in the driving cab, causing an abrupt acceleration and the Shakurbasti-Mathura MEMU (04446) to crash through the Mathura Junction platform on Tuesday night.

The driving trailer coach (DTC) cab key had been sent to this “helper,” Sachin Kumar, according to an initial joint report created by a six-person team.

Inebriated, continuously watching mobile phone and unmindful of his surroundings, he carelessly kept his bag on the throttle of the engine, taking it into forward position,” the report states.

Sachin was one of five employees who worked on maintaining and operating trains.

One of the five workers that maintained and ran trains was Sachin.

According to the report, Sachin tested positive for alcohol after having a breathalyzer test, with a value of 47 mg/100 ml.

In the freak accident, the train arriving from Delhi derailed and climbed onto a platform at Mathura junction on Tuesday night.

After stepping into platform 2A and striking the electric pole, the train came to a stop.

Railway authorities stated that no casualties were reported, despite the fact that one female passenger received an electric shock.

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