ultimatum to Pakistan is a complex one

India’s ultimatum to Pakistan: A bold move or a risky gamble?

India is considering issuing an ultimatum to Pakistan, demanding that it vacate Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) within a certain period of time. This move would be a major escalation in the long-running conflict between the two countries, and it is likely to have a significant impact on the region.

Proponents of an ultimatum argue that it is necessary to send a strong message to Pakistan that India is serious about reclaiming PoK. They also believe that an ultimatum would put pressure on Pakistan to negotiate a resolution to the conflict.

However, critics of an ultimatum argue that it is a risky gamble that could lead to war. They also point out that Pakistan is unlikely to give up PoK easily, even if India does issue an ultimatum.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to issue an ultimatum to Pakistan is a difficult one. There are strong arguments on both sides of the issue. The Indian government will need to weigh all of the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.

Here are some additional thoughts on the topic:

  • An ultimatum could have a significant impact on the global order. If India and Pakistan do go to war, it could destabilize the entire region and lead to a humanitarian crisis.
  • An ultimatum could also have a negative impact on the economies of both countries.
  • It is important to note that there are other ways to resolve the Kashmir conflict peacefully. India and Pakistan could try to negotiate a settlement, or they could submit the dispute to international arbitration.


The decision of whether or not to issue an ultimatum to Pakistan is a complex one. There are a number of factors that the Indian government will need to consider before making a decision.

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